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Stress Incontinence and Metabolic Syndrome: what you need to know.

There is a strong correlation between stress urinary incontinence and metabolic syndrome. In a previous blog, we looked at a research articles examining the relationship between bladder function and metabolic health. In this blog, we want to discuss what that…

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Bladder leakage and Blood Pressure: an important connection for heart health.

Did you know that high blood pressure and urinary incontinence (leaking urine) are related?  New research has been published about the connection between high blood pressure (hypertension) and urinary incontinence.  In honor of National Hearth Health Awareness month, we wanted…

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Pelvic Floor Muscle Over-activity what it means, and what to do about it.

Let's break down what Pelvic Floor Muscle over activity might look like. This can be a confusing issue and depending on what type of doctor you see, the answer might be different. If you have pelvic floor muscle over activity,…

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Know before you go: getting back to the gym safely after baby or surgery.

I ran into a friend who had had a baby 8 weeks ago.  She told me she wanted to get back in shape but once she started working out, she didn’t feel as comfortable as she had hoped.  As we…

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