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Choosing the Right Lubrication

As we begin a new year, it may be time for a good closet, nightstand, and medicine cabinet clean out. Now, if you catch yourself holding onto an old bottle of lube from many years ago whose advertising swore that…

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Managing Chronic Pelvic Pain Part 2: What now?

So last week we touched the surface of why pelvic pain persists, how the brain is involved and what factors might be contributing to the persistence of pelvic pain.  And after reading you maybe saying “ok great, good to know…

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Managing Chronic Pelvic Pain, part 1

Persistent pelvic pain is more common that you might realize.  15-20% of women and 8-12% of men are dealing with chronic pelvic pain.  There are many things that can be associated with CPP in both men and women. Some but…

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Mamas: Don’t wait to rehab your pelvic floor until you are done having babies!

The other day I heard the common statement that makes me pause: “I knew I was peeing my pants, having pain with intercourse, and some weakness after my first child was delivered, but I wanted to wait until I completed…

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Vulvodynia: Persistent vulvar pain

We have discussed persistent pain. Now I would like to talk about pelvic pain conditions. One painful condition is called Vulvodynia.  (Vul – Vo – Din – Ee – Uh)  Vulvodynia actually means pain in the vulva. The vulva is…

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Unraveling Persistent Pain: Understanding the Brain’s role

Your Nervous System, the body's alarm system The human body contains over 400 nerves. 45 miles of nerves travel and connect all body parts like a highway. These nerves have electrical activity traveling through them. The electrical activity goes up…

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To Support or Not to Support…..That is the Question.

My passion is to educate and empower women, especially during their childbearing years.  I feel there is still quite a lack of education out there for women after they have a baby.  I’ve often been surprised at how many classes…

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