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Pelvic Floor Muscle Over-activity what it means, and what to do about it.

Let's break down what Pelvic Floor Muscle over activity might look like. This can be a confusing issue and depending on what type of doctor you see, the answer might be different. If you have pelvic floor muscle over activity,…

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Managing Chronic Pelvic Pain Part 2: What now?

So last week we touched the surface of why pelvic pain persists, how the brain is involved and what factors might be contributing to the persistence of pelvic pain.  And after reading you maybe saying “ok great, good to know…

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Managing Chronic Pelvic Pain, part 1

Persistent pelvic pain is more common that you might realize.  15-20% of women and 8-12% of men are dealing with chronic pelvic pain.  There are many things that can be associated with CPP in both men and women. Some but…

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The symphony of muscle coordination for core stability: voice, breath, pelvic floor.

Have you ever wondered what happens to keep your spine, pelvis and hips stable while you exercise, or perform daily tasks?  Probably not, unless you are an anatomy nerd like me. I am amazed by the symphony of muscle coordination…

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