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The Psoas Muscle: the forth horseman in pelvic and spinal stability.

The psoas muscle gets a lot of press for being overactive or tight.  Everyone wants to release their psoas.  It seems to stalk my Instagram feed. So, what does the psoas really do and is it truly tight on everyone? …

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Pelvic Floor

Return to Running: Checklist

You’ve had a baby.  Maybe had surgery.  Or just a long hiatus from exercise.  And now you feel ready to get back out there and return to running. But maybe it didn’t go as planned.  Maybe you leaked while you…

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Leaking with exercise? You can fix it!!!

Leaking while exercising?  You are not alone.  More than 40% of elite female athletes leak with their sports.  Imagine how high that number is in the regular population; Women who are exercising, going for a jog, taking classes, weight training,…

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Leaking Urine

Public Service Announcement: You do not have to pee when you sneeze…

Or Laugh, Cough, Jump or run!!! Just because you have kids and are over a certain age, don't settle! This is NOT just to be expected, something you have to live with. Did you know that there are physical therapists…

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Core, Pelvic Floor and a little play!

More on bowel health, exercise, core, pelvic floor and play!
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