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Pain: Part 3 Lifestyle

Overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system can continue the vicious cycle of pain.  Our body feels threatened and our brain continues in the fight or flight protection.  This can cause long-term health concerns beyond the pain that you are experiencing.  Longterm increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system can contribute to increased heart rates, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and increased risk of heart attacks or strokes.

With these cascading effects, we want to manage the sympathetic nervous system response for long term health as well as pain management.  Here are some things to incorporate to calm our systems down.

Incorporating a well-balanced lifestyle can help with managing our sympathetic nervous system response which in turn can assist in pain management as well as promoting a long-term healthy lifestyle.  Working with a physical therapist who understands pain can incorporate all of these strategies into your treatment plan. 

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