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What is Intra-abdominal pressure and how does it contribute to Pelvic Organ Prolapse?

Increased intra-abdominal pressure is a large contributor to pelvic organ prolapse and to worsening symptoms.  When you see a pelvic floor physical therapist for pelvic organ prolapse, one of the first things we will look at is how well you…

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Bladder leakage and Blood Pressure: an important connection for heart health.

Did you know that high blood pressure and urinary incontinence (leaking urine) are related?  New research has been published about the connection between high blood pressure (hypertension) and urinary incontinence.  In honor of National Hearth Health Awareness month, we wanted…

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Mindful listening: Is your healthcare provider hearing you?

As specialists in pelvic health physical therapy, we meet a new patient and listen to their medical history. Often, we hear a lot of frustration that no one has ever truly heard their story.  Listening, true, mindful listening, is a…

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