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What is Intra-abdominal pressure and how does it contribute to Pelvic Organ Prolapse?

Increased intra-abdominal pressure is a large contributor to pelvic organ prolapse and to worsening symptoms.  When you see a pelvic floor physical therapist for pelvic organ prolapse, one of the first things we will look at is how well you…

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Stress Incontinence and Metabolic Syndrome: what you need to know.

There is a strong correlation between stress urinary incontinence and metabolic syndrome. In a previous blog, we looked at a research articles examining the relationship between bladder function and metabolic health. In this blog, we want to discuss what that…

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Bladder leakage and Blood Pressure: an important connection for heart health.

Did you know that high blood pressure and urinary incontinence (leaking urine) are related?  New research has been published about the connection between high blood pressure (hypertension) and urinary incontinence.  In honor of National Hearth Health Awareness month, we wanted…

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What is Pelvic Dysfunction?

There is more and more buzz on social media regarding the pelvic floor, which is really wonderful.  But let's break down what it means to have pelvic dysfunction and why you may need a pelvic PT.  Weakness of the structures…

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Menopause and Pelvic Physical Therapy: Blog Series Part 1

As women, we often talk about all that happens with pregnancy and post-partum.  What we do not hear about is what our bodies go through during menopause.  I want to spend some time discussing menopause and the changes and transitions…

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Care for “Down There” after menopause.

There are a lot of things that happen to women as we age. As you go through menopause there are some simple tips for keeping your pelvis healthy and happy during this phase. Because we no longer have the levels…

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Is my back pain related to my pelvic symptoms?

This is a question that comes up often in clinic. People may assume that because we specialize in pelvic dysfunction, we don't treat backs. Well, that could not be farther from the truth! As a Physical Therapist who specializes in…

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