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Know before you go: getting back to the gym safely after baby or surgery.

I ran into a friend who had had a baby 8 weeks ago.  She told me she wanted to get back in shape but once she started working out, she didn’t feel as comfortable as she had hoped.  As we…

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Pelvic PT after baby; the individualized program.

Having practiced orthopedics, sports medicine, manual therapy, and pelvic floor therapy in Kansas City for 23 years there is one patient question that resonates with me as a tripping up point for new patients. I will give you an example:…

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Are you leaking urine when you exercise? Pelvic physical therapy is a simple and lasting fix!

Urinary leaking during exercise is common, but we should not treat it as normal.  Female athletes experience leaking 2-3 times more often than non-athletes.  Sports that require higher impact, such as basketball, volleyball, and running have higher risk of leaking. …

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