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Mindful listening: Is your healthcare provider hearing you?

As specialists in pelvic health physical therapy, we meet a new patient and listen to their medical history. Often, we hear a lot of frustration that no one has ever truly heard their story.  Listening, true, mindful listening, is a…

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Magnesium is a key factor in keeping our bodies running well. It has an impact on the heart, bones, muscles, nerves, and gut. Without enough magnesium, these areas malfunction. Studies have shown that diets higher in magnesium are associated with…

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It is all connected: part 4, The Spiral Line

The spiral line is a line of connective tissue that runs from the arch of our feet to the base ofour skull. In the front body, this fascial line travels up and crosses from our left hip to our right…

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It is all connected, Part 1: Your fascia and how it plays a role in our movements and function.

As pelvic floor therapists, we find it to be very important to assess our patients from head to toe,literally. There is a strong connection between our feet, our pelvic floor, and our deep core. If we don’t look at the…

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Choosing the Right Lubrication

As we begin a new year, it may be time for a good closet, nightstand, and medicine cabinet clean out. Now, if you catch yourself holding onto an old bottle of lube from many years ago whose advertising swore that…

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Give Thanks, for the health of it!

Gratitude.  We see it everywhere, especially this time of year. We hear it often, but do we really understand the power of giving thanks?  There is quite a bit of research with regards to gratitude and the powerful impact it…

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Getting your zzz’s and how it effects your ability to move.

Raise your hand if you get enough sleep?  No one?  We all have heard the importance of getting enough sleep and how it helps restore our bodies.  But few Americans get enough sleep overall. Interestingly, not getting enough sleep doesn’t…

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