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Managing Chronic Pelvic Pain Part 2: What now?

So last week we touched the surface of why pelvic pain persists, how the brain is involved and what factors might be contributing to the persistence of pelvic pain.  And after reading you maybe saying “ok great, good to know…

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The symphony of muscle coordination for core stability: voice, breath, pelvic floor.

Have you ever wondered what happens to keep your spine, pelvis and hips stable while you exercise, or perform daily tasks?  Probably not, unless you are an anatomy nerd like me. I am amazed by the symphony of muscle coordination…

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Your Guide to a Stress Free Holiday Season

Does such a thing even exist?! I’d like to hope so! Whether you’re staying home in Kansas City or traveling for the holidays, here are some tips for holiday stress management. 1) Belly breathe As much as we love seeing…

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Bladder Health Tips

If you are someone suffering from bladder irritation, frequency, urgency, or pain leading up to, during or after urination…read on for tips to settle down your bladder, give it a little TLC, and get control of these symptoms. Lets dig…

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Painful Bladder, Interstitial Cystitis, infection…what is causing my pain?

Painful bladder syndrome is a spectrum of diseases that includes interstitial cystitis (IC) that can cause bladder pain and/or pressure, urinary frequency and urgency that can feel like an infection. Sometimes, people with IC will also have IBS, fibromyalgia, migraines,…

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Unraveling Persistent Pain: Understanding the Brain’s role

Your Nervous System, the body's alarm system The human body contains over 400 nerves. 45 miles of nerves travel and connect all body parts like a highway. These nerves have electrical activity traveling through them. The electrical activity goes up…

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Leaking Urine

Public Service Announcement: You do not have to pee when you sneeze…

Or Laugh, Cough, Jump or run!!! Just because you have kids and are over a certain age, don't settle! This is NOT just to be expected, something you have to live with. Did you know that there are physical therapists…

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To Support or Not to Support…..That is the Question.

My passion is to educate and empower women, especially during their childbearing years.  I feel there is still quite a lack of education out there for women after they have a baby.  I’ve often been surprised at how many classes…

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