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Pain: Part 3 Lifestyle

Overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system can continue the vicious cycle of pain.  Our body feels threatened and our brain continues in the fight or flight protection.  This can cause long-term health concerns beyond the pain that you are experiencing. …

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Pelvic PT after baby; the individualized program.

Having practiced orthopedics, sports medicine, manual therapy, and pelvic floor therapy in Kansas City for 23 years there is one patient question that resonates with me as a tripping up point for new patients. I will give you an example:…

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Are you leaking urine when you exercise? Pelvic physical therapy is a simple and lasting fix!

Urinary leaking during exercise is common, but we should not treat it as normal.  Female athletes experience leaking 2-3 times more often than non-athletes.  Sports that require higher impact, such as basketball, volleyball, and running have higher risk of leaking. …

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Mamas: Don’t wait to rehab your pelvic floor until you are done having babies!

The other day I heard the common statement that makes me pause: “I knew I was peeing my pants, having pain with intercourse, and some weakness after my first child was delivered, but I wanted to wait until I completed…

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The Psoas Muscle: the forth horseman in pelvic and spinal stability.

The psoas muscle gets a lot of press for being overactive or tight.  Everyone wants to release their psoas.  It seems to stalk my Instagram feed. So, what does the psoas really do and is it truly tight on everyone? …

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More on Diastasis Rectus Abdominus (DRA)

There is so much information going around about diastasis rectus abdominus (DRA) right now.  Let’s sort through the noise and look at what is actually happening. First and foremost, a DRA is not a hole in the abdominal wall or…

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