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Addressing Vaginal Dryness: what you need and what products are legit.

Many women have vaginal dryness with menopause, when they are breastfeeding, or with long term oral contraceptive use.  There are a lot of products out there, claiming they can help.  Let’s break down the products and discuss which ones are…

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What is Intra-abdominal pressure and how does it contribute to Pelvic Organ Prolapse?

Increased intra-abdominal pressure is a large contributor to pelvic organ prolapse and to worsening symptoms.  When you see a pelvic floor physical therapist for pelvic organ prolapse, one of the first things we will look at is how well you…

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Perineal Tearing with vaginal delivery

Many women who have a vaginal delivery will have some level of perineal tearing that can affect how the new mom can rehab after the baby. Perineal tears occur in about 85% of vaginal deliveries but many women don’t receive…

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Mindful listening: Is your healthcare provider hearing you?

As specialists in pelvic health physical therapy, we meet a new patient and listen to their medical history. Often, we hear a lot of frustration that no one has ever truly heard their story.  Listening, true, mindful listening, is a…

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The joys of delivery can bring a host of injuries: What to be prepared for and who can help you manage them.

Pregnancy and delivery are some of the most exciting and challenging times that we go through during our lifetime.  Because of this, it is important to surround ourselves with a knowledgeable and empathetic care team during the 4th trimester or…

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Getting your zzz’s and how it effects your ability to move.

Raise your hand if you get enough sleep?  No one?  We all have heard the importance of getting enough sleep and how it helps restore our bodies.  But few Americans get enough sleep overall. Interestingly, not getting enough sleep doesn’t…

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Pelvic PT after baby; the individualized program.

Having practiced orthopedics, sports medicine, manual therapy, and pelvic floor therapy in Kansas City for 23 years there is one patient question that resonates with me as a tripping up point for new patients. I will give you an example:…

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