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It is all connected: part 4, The Spiral Line

The spiral line is a line of connective tissue that runs from the arch of our feet to the base ofour skull. In the front body, this fascial line travels up and crosses from our left hip to our right…

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It is all connected, Part 2: The Superficial Back Line and pain in the back body.

Many people experience pain in the SI (sacroiliac) joint and low back. Often when you look into these patient’s history, they will also have had Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, or buttock pain. When examined completely, these should be a clue…

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It is all connected, Part 1: Your fascia and how it plays a role in our movements and function.

As pelvic floor therapists, we find it to be very important to assess our patients from head to toe,literally. There is a strong connection between our feet, our pelvic floor, and our deep core. If we don’t look at the…

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Foot to pelvic floor to diaphragm: how it is all connected and how to capitalize on it!

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels Fun fact—your foot directly effects your pelvic floor, your deep core, and your diaphragm. This is all through our fascia. Fascia is like the super stretchy glue that maintains structure in our bodies.  It is a thin connective tissue…

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