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Your Period Products & the chemicals in them.

Women use well over 10,000 period products during the years that we are menstruating. If we assume 5 days per period from age 12 to 50, that is about 5 years of cumulative time using a period product of some…

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It is all connected: part 4, The Spiral Line

The spiral line is a line of connective tissue that runs from the arch of our feet to the base ofour skull. In the front body, this fascial line travels up and crosses from our left hip to our right…

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It is all connected, Part 2: The Superficial Back Line and pain in the back body.

Many people experience pain in the SI (sacroiliac) joint and low back. Often when you look into these patient’s history, they will also have had Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, or buttock pain. When examined completely, these should be a clue…

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Pelvic Floor Muscle Over-activity what it means, and what to do about it.

Let's break down what Pelvic Floor Muscle over activity might look like. This can be a confusing issue and depending on what type of doctor you see, the answer might be different. If you have pelvic floor muscle over activity,…

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What is Pelvic Dysfunction?

There is more and more buzz on social media regarding the pelvic floor, which is really wonderful.  But let's break down what it means to have pelvic dysfunction and why you may need a pelvic PT.  Weakness of the structures…

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Citoridynia: AKA Pain in the clitoris

Yes, it is a mouthful, and sounds something like a prehistoric animal.  But,  it is a very disturbing condition that many women suffer from and it is often mis-diagnosed or mis-treated. The clitoris is a powerful organ of sexual pleasure.…

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Pain: Part 3 Lifestyle

Overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system can continue the vicious cycle of pain.  Our body feels threatened and our brain continues in the fight or flight protection.  This can cause long-term health concerns beyond the pain that you are experiencing. …

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