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Pain: The sensitive nervous system, understanding is everything.

As pelvic floor physical therapists, we see many people who have pain—sometimes it Is new pain like after surgery or delivering a baby.  Sometimes it is persistent pain that has stuck around for months or years.  We spend a lot…

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Managing Chronic Pelvic Pain, part 1

Persistent pelvic pain is more common that you might realize.  15-20% of women and 8-12% of men are dealing with chronic pelvic pain.  There are many things that can be associated with CPP in both men and women. Some but…

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The symphony of muscle coordination for core stability: voice, breath, pelvic floor.

Have you ever wondered what happens to keep your spine, pelvis and hips stable while you exercise, or perform daily tasks?  Probably not, unless you are an anatomy nerd like me. I am amazed by the symphony of muscle coordination…

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The Psoas Muscle: the forth horseman in pelvic and spinal stability.

The psoas muscle gets a lot of press for being overactive or tight.  Everyone wants to release their psoas.  It seems to stalk my Instagram feed. So, what does the psoas really do and is it truly tight on everyone? …

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Painful Bladder, Interstitial Cystitis, infection…what is causing my pain?

Painful bladder syndrome is a spectrum of diseases that includes interstitial cystitis (IC) that can cause bladder pain and/or pressure, urinary frequency and urgency that can feel like an infection. Sometimes, people with IC will also have IBS, fibromyalgia, migraines,…

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Joint Hypermobility: Too much flexibility could be a missed clinical diagnosis.

Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder People with hypermobility spectrum disorder (HDS) tend to have joint hypermobility and instability making them more prone to injury and pain.  However, these patients do not have other connective tissue disorders.  Hypermobility describes a joint that is…

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